Monday, April 30, 2012

finding my groove

Tony informed me today that I needed to write a blog entry for April since I've got one for each of the last 3 months so I shouldn't let this one lapse.  I've actually started and stopped several, they are in my draft folder where they probably will forever remain.  Not that they are's funny, I tend to need to be in a certain mood to write or do my art but there are times when I'll try to force it and it just doesn't work, doesn't come out right or just isn't what I want to project.  I'm actually kinda forcing it now but I've got Tony's words ringing in my ears so I'm gonna try to follow this one through. 

It's been a bit of a roller coaster since my last *strong* post, emotionally & physically.  I jumped into my half marathon training with both feet, working through the early runs that were oh-so challenging as I seemed surrounded by other runners on their treadmills making it look effortless.  I had trouble getting up at 6 a.m. to go to the gym since I haven't gotten up that early in a few years now.  Wait, of course I've gotten up that early, I have little kids, I've had newborns, I haven't had real sleep in years!  But I get up and only have to be half with-it to put a baby on my boob or change a diap or lay on the couch while the little one plays next to me as I doze in and out.  Getting up and going to the gym and running is a whole other ball of wax.  It was/is the only real time for me to get in my run at the gym because of the kids and Tony's work schedule.  Anyway, that was hurdle number one and I let it get the better of me enough times that I began to feel like a total shlep loser who was never going to complete this half marathon.  So just as I stopped being hard on myself and got back into the groove I got a cold.  I never get sick!  This was ridiculous and it took me out for like a week.  Dude, setback numero dos no bueno.  Hard on myself again, back to the gym and this time I tweeked my neck.  The kind of weird pull you randomly get out of nowhere which causes unbelievable pain whenever you move or sneeze or sigh.  Sidelined again!  My morale was REALLY in the crapper and it spread to every area of my life.  I became bitch on wheels, Agro Annie, Downer Debbie.  The scale wasn't moving down and my running log was a joke.  Back to the gym.  HAH - what do they say about third time being the charm?  Well, here I am baby!  My running has become...ok, if I said "easy" that wouldn't exactly be true BUT it's much easIER and I've nearly hit the enjoyment level of obsession again.  I don't think I have the time or energy as a mom to young kids to be obsessed anymore, maybe in another few years.  Difference now at week 8 is I don't beat myself up when I miss a run and when I'm on the treadmill I feel alive and I nail it.  The new Madonna album being TOTALLY AMAZING hasn't hurt either since it's now my main running soundtrak.  I checked in with a personal trainer several weeks back after she advertised a free consultation and she highly suggested I add in a weight training routine and a vitamin D & calcium supplement.  The second thing was easy enough and I've been popping more pills since but the weights...there's that time predicament again.  Although I've found it only takes a few minutes to whip out some basic upper & lower body exercises with my lil dumbells at home in front of Hoda & Kathy Lee on the Today show (I've become addicted to their intro monologue because I get so many laughs and I just don't get enough of that) while Tyler runs squealing around me.  That and less alcohol consumption (which I also attribute to just being happier & less stressed) has me feeling better physically, the scale starting to drop and my pants getting looser - FINALLY!  And the best part of the personal training thing was getting my body fat tested, 21% baby, yeah!  That's 1% away from being at Athlete level!  I was so happy to hear that!  In fact, that may have been the extra boost I needed.  Now on days when I can't get to the gym in the morning for whatever reason I take the double stroller & hit various running paths in the city.  I tried Crissy Field right along the bay with a gorgeous view of the Golden Gate Bridge but the wind there is Ridiculous!  Golden Gate Park has become my fave, it's so pretty and really inspires me both in my fitness and my art.  This last Sunday I ran 7 miles there, my longest run so far - of course according to my training chart I should be at 9 miles but whatever.  I'm not perfect and I'm ok with that. 

ok.  I'd like to find a way to marry my art with philanthropy but I think the path will eventually be shown so I'm not overthinking it now.  I'm just trying to enjoy myself.

There's more I could write...there's always more...adventures in mommyhood, potty training Tyler, trying to get miz Teagan to crawl, dealing with her teething, etc. but I think for now that's it.  Sleep calls as tomorrow is an early gym day for me - and I can't wait!